Hazelwood Primary School

Hazelwood Primary School FLYNN recently completed the extension to Hazelwood Integrated Primary School in north Belfast where we created a new Learning Support Unit faced with eye catching Swiss Facades. The seemingly random pattern of panels was actually computer modelled to maximise use of panels and minimise wastage and we think it looks rather funky.

Holywood PS Contract Awarded

Holywood PS Contract Awarded SEELB have awarded MFS the contract for important civil engineering works at Holywood Primary School to improve drainage, fencing, external lighting, paths and carparking and hard surfaces. Work commences this month and will be completed early in the New Year. MFS provide a full range of maintenance and building services to…

New Employee of the Month Scheme

New Employee of the Month Scheme As part of the Investors in People agenda to increase staff involvement in the business, FLYNN have constituted a Staff Involvement Forum the members of which were nominated by fellow staff to represent every aspect of the business. Their roles will be to receive information from Management, pass on…